Security Guard | Definition | Duties and responsibilities | SIRA, PSBD

Definition of Security Guard 

The definition of ‘Security Guard’ is a profession where a person monitors for possible threats and hazards, protects life, property, and premises, and provides the best customer service with client satisfaction. 

In today’s world, the deployment of a security guard has become an essential requirement in almost every field to reduce losses, theft, robbery, control fires, and safety precautions. They adopt a secure environment for their workplaces which eventually helps them to gain more profits.

In this session, we will try to cover different topics under this profession in a simple way so that you can understand them well. Let’s begin:

Duties and responsibilities of a Security Guard 

It depends upon the work area and differs from place to place. Here is a list of some duties and responsibilities of security guards:

1. Maintain a logbook

Security Log Book
Security Log Book

The record of the logbook is accepted in the court as evidence, so what has happened must be written and assumptions should not be included. It contains the incident reports, and the details of the visitor and contractor with purpose and time, which helps in the investigation in case something happened. 

It is recommended to update the log book every hour, even though there is no issue. The data written in the logbook are confidential and should not be shared with a third party. Only the Police, CID officer, and security department can access it.

2. Monitor CCTV cameras

In some cases, people return the items or stop stealing after realizing that there is a CCTV camera above. To minimize this issue, CCTV cameras must be monitored, and informed immediately to the security staff working nearby the incident area, if any unusual activity is observed. In Dubai, you need to get a CCTV operator license to work in a CCTV control room.

3. Access control

It is a system of allowing only authorized persons or vehicles to restricted areas such as offices, residential buildings, parking, children’s parks, hospitals, events, airports, etc. 

Access Control
Access Control

In this system, authorized people are facilitated with access cards, employee cards, parking stickers, intercom, tickets, coupons, and various other types of things that help them to get access through manual, mechanical, physical, or electrical systems. 

It is a good medium to overcome crowds, unauthorized entrance, or trespassing. If the access control systems are not working or anyone is tampering with the system, it must be reported immediately.

4. Response alarms 

In most cases, the fire is controllable in its initial stage with a small effort like using a fire extinguisher, fire blanket, and fire hose reel (exception: bombing, blasting, explosions). The fire alarm control panel (FACP) is connected to smoke and heat detectors, Manual Call Points (MCP), gas detectors, and sprinklers. As soon as these devices detect smoke, heat, or gas leak, (manual activation in case of MCP), the panel will show the fire alarm location followed by activation of the sounder and flashing lights.

If there is a small fire, it should be extinguished immediately, or else the fire department must be informed and the control room or supervisor should be reported. The whole evacuation of a building or office should not exceed more than three minutes from the activation of the fire alarm.

All people must be directed towards the Assembly points through the staircase and fire exit doors. Make sure the fire doors must be kept closed. The lift must not be used or waited for as the lift came down to the ground floor and remains in open condition. It’s because someone may be stuck inside due to the power supply breakdown.

Most of the alarms are false alarms but every time it must be checked on time. Even a single second delay in case of emergency or fire can cause huge damage to life, property, and the premises.

5. Patrolling 

When I was attending SIRA training, I was confused by hearing the word ‘Patrol’ as I was thinking of the word ‘Petrol’. Jokes apart, patrolling is the act of walking or rounding all across the area to ensure everything is safe. If something is found to be damaged, altered, or mishandled, it must be reported immediately.

You may find a drunk person sleeping in a low-light area, an unconscious person in a corridor or staircase, and even discover a fire that is far from the fire detectors, so it is recommended to check the entire area time and again. There are different types of Patrolling, one of them is normal, where patrolling is done at fixed intervals of time and the next one is purposed if there is any complaint like noise coming is raised but the location is not fixed.

6. Assist POD 

If you notice People Of Determination (POD) struggling to open the door, climbing up and down the stairs, or carrying some items with difficulty, then, first of all, ask ‘May, I help you, Sir/Madam?’ 

If they reply positively, you can help them but in case they deny it, just monitor and inform your senior if necessary. In case of emergencies or life-saving situations, you need to give priority to the POD (as well as children, pregnant ladies, and old citizens) as they may not be aware of emergencies and you don’t have enough time to explain as you have to save hundreds of lives. In Dubai, it’s legal for males to help a female during a life-saving situation.

7. Monitor and report hazards and suspicious activities

After the deployment of security guards in the (name not included due to privacy) city, one of the CID officers told me that there is a huge decline in criminal activities. Keep one thing in mind taking action on legal issues is not a part of our job. It’s the job of local authorities.

Even if you see a criminal, just inform your superior or control room and monitor from far away. If you run behind that person and the person is hit by a running vehicle and dies, you gonna face legal issues. Even criminals may carry knives or guns and attack you if they think you are following them. Don’t lose your life, simply report and remove the burden from your head, and don’t ever try to be a superhero. 

8. Chain of command

In this profession, you must follow a chain of command. First of all, you need to know, whom to report if something happens. In your job, you will be dealing with a team leader, supervisor, control room, local authority, client, customers, criminals, POD, children, old citizens, and many more. 

In most cases, you are not authorized to pass information to the client regarding any incident directly. You should inform your supervisor or the control room who will forward the report to the client. If you break the chain of command you face a problem.

9. Assist local authorities

In Dubai, the salary of a security guard is 2262 DHS/month of which the SIRA (Security Industry Regularity Authority) pays 720 dirhams per month to the security guard as a security allowance for ensuring safety at ground level. Local authorities like Police, Dubai Civil Defense (DCD), and Medical Staff (Ambulance) can work more efficiently because of the security guards as they are trained in conflict management, fire fighting, and first aid. He/she is also the first responder to the emergency.

10. Crowd control

Crowd control is one of the most difficult responsibilities as it may turn into violence at times. Your safety is the first responsibility. So, while controlling the crowd, you will require enough backup from other guards or even from the police department if the situation is out of control. 

Never attempt to handle it alone. There’s a famous saying, ‘Save seeds during famine and save your body in a crowd’.

11. Provide information and direction

If you are working at malls or receptions, people will frequently ask you about the directions to parking, stores, exit ways, and lots of how-to questions. 

Being a professional, you need to provide proper information and directions or at least the contact details of clients’ customer care if you have no idea but make sure not to provide any wrong information and directions.

12. Enforce safety 

From the definition of a Security guard, we know that securing the entire worksite comes under him although safety is everyone’s responsibility. If you notice any work going on on your site that does not comply with safety precautions, stop it immediately and report it to the control room or your supervisor. 

Wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as a helmet, mask, gloves, safety vest, and safety shoes, placing a caution board in maintenance and cleaning areas, holding a ladder by someone when another is working on height, avoiding working under direct sunlight for a long time, working on enough lighted area, taking proper breaks and keeping hydrate all comes under safety precautions.

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